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Advertising Policy

This page outlines the terms and conditions for advertising with Discover Bradford

Advertising in this context includes online (websites, social media).

1. Our principles regarding advertising

Discover Bradford will generally accept most advertising from most businesses and will actively try to secure adverts. However, advertising with Discover Bradford does not infer endorsement.


2. Restricted and prohibited advertising

Discover Bradford will not consider advertising that includes:

  • Tobacco or tobacco related products, including e-cigarettes and ‘vaping’

  • Alcohol

  • Gambling

  • Showing weaponry and/or violence, or inciting hatred

  • Nudity

  • Advertising demeaning (or otherwise discriminating against) to protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010

  • Racially provocative content

  • Any political or lobbying content

  • Content that disadvantages current or former armed service personnel, their families or veterans

  • Content that could cause offence

  • Unsustainable borrowing.

This list is not definitive, and Discover Bradford retains the sole and non-negotiable right to refuse advertising at any time.

On an ad-hoc basis, Discover Bradford reserves the right to check advertisers against third party data - for example Trading Standards – to ensure services advertised meet the standard required by Discover Bradford

Discover Bradford  may check that the organisation does not have an outstanding debt with the authority before an order is placed. 

3. Style and content of advertising

Discover Bradford expects all advertising placed to fall within the guidelines of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), specifically the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing – otherwise known as the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) Code.

It is the advertiser’s responsibility to be aware of the code as well as Consumer Protection and Unfair Trading Regulations and any changes/updates to them.

Advertising content must be legal, decent, honest and truthful, and be prepared with a sense of responsibility to consumers and to society as a whole.

Discover Bradford is open to a variety of styles in submitted advertising, but will not consider content that:

  • Violates the topics outlined in section 2 above

  • Uses the Discover Bradford  logo without consent in writing from the Communications at Discover Bradford.

  • Does not clearly state who the advertiser is

  • Is not clearly identifiable as an advertisement

  • Infers a connection with an organisation/s that does not exist

  • Is not suitable for family viewing

  • Presents unsubstantiated statements as fact

We retain the right to decline advertising from any source in respect of particular products or content which Discover Bradford, at our sole discretion, considers inappropriate. Discover Bradford will agree with those advertising in advance the nature and content of the publicity and will retain the right to approve all advertising material.

Acceptance of any advertisement does not represent endorsement of any organisation, product or offer by Discover Bradford is responsible for the advertiser’s quality and reliability. 

All advertisers will be required to sign an advertising agreement which reflects the terms stated in this policy before any advertising commences.

Discover Bradford accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection to any external advertisement placed. As part of the booking agreement, all advertisers must indemnify Discover Bradford against any claims, damages, losses etc. arising out of any advertising placed.

In addition, Discover Bradford accepts no responsibility for advertisements not placed due to deadlines missed (or specifications not met) by the advertiser.

There will be a Discover Bradford approval process in which the service manager will have the final say.

4. Advertising rates

Advertising rates are set by Discover Bradford with regard to current market conditions.

Introductory or discounted rates may apply but will be offered fairly to all advertisers.

The advertising rates will be reviewed on a regular basis, and will be adjusted when and where applicable to maximise income to help with costs of the website.. This will not affect any booking agreements made prior to changes.

5. Unexpected circumstances

Discover Bradford reserves the right to withdraw advertising with no guarantee of refund at any time to meet the demands of unexpected circumstances.

This includes:

  • Force majeure (i.e. major environmental events)

  • Periods of heightened sensitivity and/or developments following the installation of advertising (i.e. an external event deems previously acceptable advertising as in bad taste).

Advertisers would be informed of such circumstances at the earliest available opportunity.




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