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Discover Bradford  - Gallery - Waterways - Chellow Dene 

Chellow Dene picture gallery

Chellow Dene Allerton Bradford West Yorkshire consists of 2 reservoirs  and a narrow woodland that surrounds them. 

 The top reservoir follows the steep contours of the valley right up to the inlet stream. It gradually deepens down to the dam wall with a depth of 20+ feet. The main species are roach, bream, carp, perch, tench, chub, orfe, bullhead and pike

On the lower reservoir you may see Mallards, Canada Geese, Tufted ducks, Moorhens and Coots. 

 Likely to be seen in the woodland are s nightshade, honeysuckle, wood avens, lady's mantle and lesser willowherb woodland Rustyback Fern, Bitter Vetch, Wood Horsetail,

Birds spotted are Yellow Pimpernel and Bluebell. Birds, Greater-Spotted Woodpecker, Jay, Tree-Creeper and Nuthatch. 

The two largest animals you might see are roe deer and foxes. Roe deer, with their distinctive white rump, have been spotted in much of the woodland visited

A wetlands project was created to clean the  Bradford Beck before it enters the city.

Two separate wetlands, covering 0.2 hectares, were created from grassland by Bradford Council between 2004 and 2005 at Pitty Beck and Chellow Dene, both in Allerton, diverting part of the flow of Bradford Beck to various ponds.

The first pond at each location catches the sediment and another three ponds clean the water in a reed bed.

Brown trout are present at Pitty Beck and three-spined stickleback have been sighted at Chellow Dene. Plant species hazel, English yew, blackthorn, pussy willow, Queen of the meadow and purple loosestrife can be found.




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